Ever since 2015, Nantonaku Nantes has been organizing every year an educational trip (« stage pédagogique » in French) where a small number of students from Niigata University come to Nantes for a couple of weeks. During those two weeks, these young Japanese students stay with a host family and discover life in France. They also take French language lessons at the university – more specifically at the i-FLE, the Institute of French as a Second Language.
Outside class time, the students can take part in various activities : reception at the local city hall, lunch in a French restaurant offered by the municipality, party organized by the LEA (Applied Foreign Languages) students majoring in Japanese… Last but not least, they will take part in a 1 or 2-day trip to some of the most gorgeous places in France, such as the Mont Saint-Michel, or the Loire Valley Castles.
This is a very good opportunity for them to find out more about France and French people, and to maybe develop an interest in coming back to Nantes for a semester or a full-year as an exchange student.